Do You Have Cataract?

Discovering you have a cataract can cause anxiety and concern. However, medical advancements available today offer reliable options for an effective cataract treatment. Additionally, they enable correction of other vision disorders you may have, allowing you to enjoy good eyesight again.

Our qualified team of cataract specialists employ the most modern technologies to effectively address individual visual requirements.
They have helped many patients just like you regain their vision again.

Learn more about these advanced treatment methods and how they may help you with your specific vision needs.

What is a cataract?

⦁ Gradual deterioration in vision quality
⦁ Hazy or cloudy vision
⦁ Faded color and contrast perception
⦁ Increased sensitivity to bright light
⦁ Frequent changes of eyeglass prescription
Normal vision
Vision with a cataract
A cataract is a gradual clouding of the natural lens of the eye, caused by a change in the protein structure. Most people are affected sooner or later. In fact, many people over 50 have some form of cataract.

How do cataracts occur?
In the healthy eye, the crystalline lens focuses the light rays on the retina in the back of the eye to form a clear image. With age, the lens becomes thicker and less transparent. It prevents light from passing through, thus causing a hazy vision called a cataract. A cataract is much like a foggy window you can’t see through clearly.

Untreated, the cataract gradually diminishes the quality of vision and can even lead to blindness. A cataract should be treated when it starts affecting your life.

Modern cataract treatment

A cataract cannot be treated with medication or corrected with eyeglasses. The cloudy cataract lens must be surgically removed. Cataract surgery is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the world. It is widely regarded as safe and effective.

The procedure is usually performed on a comfortable outpatient basis using local anesthesia and takes about 15 to 30 minutes. The cloudy natural lens is gently removed through a tiny incision at the edge of the cornea.

It is replaced by a very small artificial lens (called an intraocular lens) that is implanted through the same incision. With intraocular lenses (IOLs), vision blurred by cataract can once again be restored to clarity.

Intraocular lenses represent highly innovative cataract treatment technology. Usually made of a soft synthetic, biocompatible material, the lens cannot be seen or
felt in the eye. IOLs can have one or more focal points to simulate the visual properties of the natural lens, enabling you to enjoy better vision after surgery.

Eye measurements
to calculate the correct intraocular lens
Same-day procedure with a local anesthetic such as eye drops
First day after surgery, then for approx.
a month, as needed

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